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The Sundays of Great Lent

Second Sunday of Great Lent – Sunday of Orthodoxy

On the Second Sunday of Lent the Orthodox Church commemorates our Holy Father Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, the Wonderworker. The feast day of Saint Gregory Palamas is November 14, however, he is commemorated on this Sunday as the condemnation of his enemies and the vindication of his teachings by the Church in the 14th century was acclaimed as a second triumph of Orthodoxy.

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Welcome to Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Madison, WI

Ancient, Liturgical, Ecumenical

Metropolis of Chicago

Diocese of Chicago

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago is the diocese of and for the Greek Orthodox faithful in the Midwest.

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago supports and represents over 60 parishes through the midwest.

Together, we comprise a Christ-centered community that loves, guides, engages, and serves all people, both Orthodox and non- Orthodox alike.

We welcome you to join us in prayer.

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The Orthodox Christian Faith proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, and the tradition and life of the living Church worldwide through worship, communion, witness, and service.

Our roots of worship come from the ancient catacombs of the first Christians.
The Divine Liturgy has not changed since this time.


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History of the Orthodox Church Part 1


How we give back to the larger community


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Learn how our past has ushered in our future

multi ethnic

We are a Greek Orthodox Church consisting of many Eastern Orthodox ethnicities.

wood carving detail

Our Church life in pictures from the interior of our Sanctuary, Greek Fest Plus, and our Iconography.


Prayer service for peace in the Holy Land, October 2023


March 2025


March 2025

Our Channels

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Sunday Services and Special Services on our
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Metropolis of Chicago

Our governing body, located in Chicago, Illinois, USA

Divorce Rebuilders  of Saints Peter and Paul Church, Glenview, Illinois


The philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Church

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The apostolic prestige of the Church of Constantinople…

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Organization of the ancient Hellenic ideals.

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An encyclopedia center for Orthodox Christianity

Parish Directory of the Diocese

“The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago is the diocese of and for the Greek Orthodox faithful in the Midwest.
The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago supports and represents over 60 parishes through the midwest.
Together, we comprise a Christ-centered community that loves, guides, engages, and serves all people, both Orthodox and non- Orthodox alike.
We welcome you to join us in prayer.”

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Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Madison