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Holy Week Services 2021

Agape Vesper Service; Sunday, May 2, 2021

Holy Saturday Vesperal Divine Liturgy; May 1, 2021

Holy Friday Night Lamentation Service; April 30, 2021

Great Vespers of the Removal From the Cross on Holy Friday Afternoon; April 30, 2021

Royal Hours Friday Morning; April 30, 2021

Service of the Twelve Gospels Holy Thursday Evening; April 29, 2021

Holy Thursday Morning Vesperal Divine Liturgy;  April 29, 2021

Holy Wednesday Evening Matins for Thursday Morning; April 28, 2021

Holy Unction Service, Holy Wednesday Afternoon; April 28, 2021

Holy Tuesday Evening Bridegroom Service; April 27, 2021

Holy Monday Evening Bridegroom Service; April 26, 2021

Sunday Evening Bridegroom Service; April 25, 2021

Palm Sunday, Orthros and Divine Liturgy; April 25, 2021

Saturday of Lazarus, Orthros and Divine Liturgy; April 24, 2021

Assumption Greek Orthodox Church of Madison